Monday, May 30, 2011

One Voice

So, I realize it has been quite a while since I last posted, so hopefully it goes without saying that the show (and my life) have changed quite a bit in the last few weeks.  So, briefly, here is what has gone down.  I took a new job with a small tutoring company, my car will be in the shop for who knows how long thanks so the wonderful drivers of St. Louis, I was taken out and recovered from a virus, and am back on a path that I feel is relatively good for my life.  It has been quite an adjustment to working a new job and doing a show, and it reminds me of how busy I used to keep myself when I was in school; always running from one thing to the next.  Work, rehearsal, sleep has become somewhat of a mantra.

As I look into this next week, though, I am filled with nothing but excitement for what is to come.  I am sitting here listening to the cast recording for the first time in a month or so, I am reminded of how far this cast has come.  This being my first experience with New Line and a brand new set of people, I had no idea what I could expect going into this.  Working on this production has been nothing less than a joy.

Especially coming off our first get-together outside of rehearsal, this cast has become united.  There are no weak links in the cast and everyone has found their purpose in the story.  There are stories that have developed with not only the main characters, but also in the more ensemble-like roles as well.  For us, it makes the story feel alive, real, and above all honest.  On top of that, these people are some of the most fun people to interact with on the stage and off.

It has been so cool to watch it come together piece by piece: first moving into the space, and building and starting to add raw set pieces, then seeing them get painted, adding lights on Saturday and the band yesterday.  We start with costumes tonight, and that is when the production really takes its first breath for me.  Tech week is always my favorite part, when all of the hard work comes together, the individuals disappear, and we become one voice telling a story.

I suppose the jist of all of this is really that we are sitting well right now, and I am so excited to share this with an audience!

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